ZEUS is now Riding Through Bamberg

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ZEUS Scooters, one of Germany’s top e-scooter providers, has brought its fleet of 3-wheeled e-scooters to Bamberg. The Irish company has signed a contract with the city of Bamberg to provide 50 scooters in Bamberg. 

“By 2030, we want to make three out of four trips in Bamberg environmentally friendly. The e-scooters are one of many building blocks to achieve this goal. It is important to us that their use is handled in a way that is suitable for the world. So we will designate zones where the e-scooters can be parked,” says Jonas Glüsenkamp, the Mayor responsible for Mobility.

 “E-scooters can be a solution where we can’t get to our front door by bus,” finds Peter Scheuenstuhl, Head of Transport Operations. “Whether bus, car sharing or e-scooters: this diversity makes the environmental alliance more attractive – especially in competition with motorized private transport.” For convenient access to mobility services, Stadtwerke plans to launch a mobility app this year. Stadtwerke customers will be able to easily book and securely pay for all mobility services via the app. “The app will show how to get from A to B in Bamberg most conveniently. It will indicate the next bus connection and also where the next e-scooter is at the destination stop to continue the journey,” says Scheuenstuhl.

ZEUS Scooters in partnership with Bamberg Stadwerke is also providing a 10% discount to customers with annual bus subscriptions.  Customers can obtain their personal discount code by entering their subscription customer number at www.stadtwerke-bamberg.de/e-scooter.

ZEUS Scooters also launched in the cities of Villingen-Schwenningen and Mulheim in the beginning of March. 

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