Step 35. Tips To Prepare For Winter

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Winter can be dangerous, don’t forget to stay safe. Be Winter Ready with ZEUS!

Below are some tips to follow this winter:

1.Wrap Up Safely with winter clothing and a helmet.
2.Wear suitable gloves to keep you warm, but also keep hands free to use the throttle and change gear.
3. Be Seen! Use your lights and wear bright clothing.
4. Check the Weather and road conditions before starting your journey.
5. Drive Cautiously, Be mindful of other drivers and signal early.

Experience The Difference This Christmas with our winter pass!

The Winter Pass has 9 Unlocks, 90 Ride Minutes, and 90 Pause Minutes, and is valid for 90 days.

The Zeus team are constantly helping customers ride safely during the winter, to demonstrate how much they value their customers.

Keep an eye on all ZEUS social media platforms to ensure you don’t miss out on our weekly winter tips! 

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