There are three reasons why this may happen.
1) Restricted Zones
The scooter may be in a Restricted Zone. If this is the case the scooter will be beeping. Please check the app and walk the scooter out of the Restricted Zone.
2) Outside the Service Area
The scooter may be outside the service area. If this is the case the scooter will be beeping. Please check the app and walk the scooter back into the service area.
3) Hardware Error
If the problem persists please raise a ticket in support section of the app and choose another scooter!
If your scooter stops working:
1) Please end your ride.
2) Raise a ticket in the app or email customer service at
[email protected] with the QR code and the scooter licence number.
3) Start a ride on a new scooter. We will refund your ride once we have confirmed the scooter issues.